Animation Illustration Branding Character

One Hundres and Twenty Five Years of Seddon


In 2021 Seddon turned 125 years old. With over 700 employees and still running as a family business they wanted to celebrate their achievements with a number of events and promote their charitable fund raising.

Seddon appointed RUN to brand the celebrations through animation and event materials.


To celebrate the longevity of the business, team spirit and family values we created a bespoke illustration style that evoked positivity, warmth and excitement around the celebrations. Our illustration style was then rolled out into the launch animations including character rigging and environment creation.

Seddon’s bright and bold colour palette was a huge inspiration in our decision to produce a flat 2D animation style.

The animations created enthusiasm for the future and pride in the business.

The events were a huge success within the business with our animations presented at a private cinema screening. The animations created enthusiasm for the future and pride in the business. The animation has since been displayed on Seddon’s website to showcase their charitable efforts and history of the business.